Friday, March 6, 2009

IND READING: To The North (prompt 11 chapter 1)

The Author, Bill Bryson (main character), uses a very unique pattern to how he describes his surroundings. He articulates the world around him beautifully, but then says something to bring the reader back into reality using humor or personal thought. For example: "A sliver of moon, brilliantly white, hung in a pale blue evening sky, a warm breeze teased my hair, and everywhere there were scents of lemon and honeysuckle and pine. Ahead of me there was nothing but open sea, calm and seductive, for 150 miles to Sicily. I would do anything to own that view, anything. I would sell my mother to Donald Trump. I would renounce my citizenship and walk across fire. I would trade eyelashes - yes!- with Tammy Bakker." Using this kind of humor allows the author to strike a connection with the reader and take a smooth transition out of his descriptive, beautiful world. I personally like this style of writing, and thus, I would not change it. It certainly calls for an interesting book to be read.

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