Thursday, February 26, 2009

Apples to Apples

The US government has been backing up Pakistani troops. These troops are seeking control over the government. This is similar to Che and how he led a large amount of people in a rebellion for governmental control. Che is this case serves as a microcosm for how the US intervenes in foreign affairs, having people rise up and fight for a cause they both believe in. Also, this may be viewed negatively, since one may claim that the US is therefore the cause of death for thousands of people, since they are helping implementing violence. The same goes with Che. He is revered by many as well as despised by some.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I think that Che is more of a parallel to US actions instead of a microcosm.
Did the people that Che lead really believe in his cause? They could have been fighting with Che out of fear or because they didn't have another choice.