Friday, February 27, 2009

6 word country memoir

What happened to our childhood values?

Embaressing. Adults are simply older children.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Apples to Apples

The US government has been backing up Pakistani troops. These troops are seeking control over the government. This is similar to Che and how he led a large amount of people in a rebellion for governmental control. Che is this case serves as a microcosm for how the US intervenes in foreign affairs, having people rise up and fight for a cause they both believe in. Also, this may be viewed negatively, since one may claim that the US is therefore the cause of death for thousands of people, since they are helping implementing violence. The same goes with Che. He is revered by many as well as despised by some.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


“The journey is a virtual space that finishes when it finishes, and there are as many means a there are different ways of finishing”
This quote really helps illustrate Che’s philosophical side and helps the reader understand how Che looks upon traveling.

“The bike exhaled with boredom along the accident free road”
The personification he gives to the world around him is striking. He gives clouds, nature, and even objects, humanly traits. It helps the reader understand how Che adapts and enjoys his surroundings.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Story in 6 words

For Sale and Baby Shoes go together. It conveys an individual that is trying to sell baby shoes. Never Worn. This really adds a depressing tone. It clearly conveys that a baby died. If the seller said something like “In mint condition” it would have been nothing out of the ordinary. Never worn, however, conveys a sad overtone on the entire situation. It shows discontent, pain.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Effect on world

The effect I want on the world is simple: Improve the quality of life for man, no regardless of what degree. My career decision will revolve heavily around this philosophy to make everyone’s life a little better. Also, I plan on being a very non-violent, law-abiding person. Although this may seem simple, it is a very important quality to have. By not causing disorder, I am one less thing the world needs to be concerned about. What I realize is that being an American is a big responsibility. There are children, in some African countries, who would literally kill their best friend for a slice of bread. Poverty and despair cries out around the world, and I am a very privileged individual. The fact that I was born with plenty of opportunity means that I have a responsibility to use it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

TMD Introduction

I am the darker brother,
not allowed to eat at the table of elites
not recognized enough to say anything about it
as if i never had a voice

At night I ponder why everything has to be
and I conclude
The world is what I make it to be

It was one of the coldest times in my life,
but also one which made me feel a little more brotherly
toward this strange, for me at least
human species.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


There are really no ideals or values that I would go to great lengths to defend. Others, like Che, are more aggressive in standing by their values. I am just not one of those people. I feel like people that are living in desperation are most likely candidates for dying for a value. This is because ideals are the only things they can cling on to.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Documentary and Che

"Che was both feared and respected". This quote from the documentary really helps illustrate how people regarded Che. He was regarded highly by his peers that were for the same cause as he was. However, if you disagreed with him politically, you would be deathly afraid of him, as he was a relentless fighter for the movement in Cuba.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Easy Rider and Rebellion

Easy rider is a movie that revolves around a more rebellious time in American history. Drug use, and rock and roll are two of many ways for the youth in the country to rebel. Che was essentially that rebellious force in Latin America. The fact that easy rider resented capitalism also relates. It is a movie that resents its government, just like Che resented his. Che started a movement. The hippies were also a movement. Little parallels like this all add up to create one big rebellious picture.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

TMD Bio & intro post

Since the book is a diary, I expect dates and entries. Since it is a Travel Diary, I expect some descriptions. Descriptive writing should be a big part of this book, as the author will probably dictate internal and external descriptions of the narrator. I expect to see some change in the narrator throughout the book, perhaps also some self realization.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Author's background and Purpose

The most useful bit of knowledge is the author's background and thoughts. It helps reveal the purpose of his writing, and it makes clear some of the symbols and connections he uses. In the Invisible Man, for instance, the author was an African American trying to convey the atrocities of racism in an intellectual fashion. By knowing this, we were able to infer a lot more from the book by relating it to the author.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


An epiphany is a sudden moment of realization. It can sometimes be viewed as a life changer. An epiphany, in my eyes, is a moment of self realization. Thus, a life changing moment can be when one realizes a monumental aspect of themselves, or even the world around them. A very powerful epiphany can alter the way you perceive the world around you.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Glenn Beck Video Post

The audience is first made to think that the newscaster is praising Che. However, the speaker quickly turns that claim into a dark, sarcastic, criticism Che. He relates him to Hitler and Stalin. He also talks badly about how Hollywood propagated Che as a positive force. But back to Hitler and Stalin, drawing connections between people who were pure evil can certainly turn heads about an individual. This was done effectively. The media also is said to play a huge part.